Nintendo’s 2024 Content Sharing Guidelines Are Stricter

Nintendo’s 2024 Content Sharing Guidelines Are Stricter


Nintendo has long been known for its stringent control over how its intellectual property is used, particularly when it comes to sharing video and images from their games. In September 2024, the company revised its guidelines to further clarify what is and isn’t allowed. These updates place new restrictions on content creators, prohibiting reuploads of official trailers, music, and cutscenes without added commentary or editing.

Additionally, gameplay footage without additional commentary is also restricted unless shared through Nintendo’s official Share button. The guidelines also broaden the definition of inappropriate content to include the use of unauthorized methods such as third-party emulators, cheats, and data mining, as well as malicious behavior in multiplayer settings. For content creators, understanding and adapting to these rules is crucial to avoid legal action and continue producing content that resonates with their audience. In this comprehensive overview, we explore the implications of these new guidelines, discuss strategies for compliance, and offer insights into the future of content creation within the gaming community.

Nintendo’s Revised Guidelines

Nintendo has always been recognized as one of the most iconic gaming companies, not just for its games but for its strict control over its intellectual property (IP). The company’s approach to content sharing has often been a topic of discussion among gamers and content creators. On September 2, 2024, Nintendo announced a new set of guidelines that further tighten the rules around sharing video and images from their games. These guidelines are particularly significant for content creators who use Nintendo’s games to create and share content online. The new rules outline what Nintendo will and will not allow, with specific emphasis on what is considered unlawful, infringing, or inappropriate. The guidelines also give Nintendo the right to take legal action or blacklist content they deem unacceptable. This marks a significant development in the ongoing dialogue between gaming companies and the creative communities that build content around their products.

Nintendo’s revisions serve multiple purposes. While the company’s primary goal is to protect its IP, the new rules also aim to regulate the growing volume of online content related to its games. With the rise of platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and social media, content creators have found new ways to engage with their audiences through gameplay videos, tutorials, and live streams. However, Nintendo’s updated guidelines could potentially limit these forms of expression, leading to concerns about the future of content creation in the gaming community. This article will delve into the specifics of these guidelines, explore their potential impact on content creators, and offer insights into how creators can navigate these new challenges while continuing to share their passion for Nintendo games.

Nintendo’s Right to Object to Content

One of the most critical aspects of the new guidelines is Nintendo’s right to object to content they believe is “unlawful, infringing, inappropriate, or not in line with the guidelines.” This broad language gives Nintendo considerable discretion in determining what content is unacceptable. The guidelines state that Nintendo reserves the right to blacklist content or take legal action against creators who violate these rules. This includes content that infringes on Nintendo’s intellectual property or that is deemed inappropriate for the brand’s image. The guidelines also suggest that Nintendo could take action against content that is not explicitly covered by the new rules but still violates the spirit of the guidelines.

For content creators, this means that the boundaries of what is permissible are somewhat fluid. While the guidelines provide some examples of what is not allowed, such as reuploads of official trailers or gameplay footage without commentary, the broad language used by Nintendo leaves room for interpretation. This could potentially lead to disputes between content creators and Nintendo over what constitutes acceptable content. The guidelines also imply that Nintendo may take a more proactive approach in monitoring and regulating content related to its games, which could have a chilling effect on the creative community. As a result, creators will need to be particularly vigilant in ensuring that their content adheres to Nintendo’s standards to avoid the risk of legal action or blacklisting.

Moreover, the possibility of being blacklisted by Nintendo could have significant consequences for content creators. Being blacklisted could mean that a creator’s content is removed from platforms, their accounts are suspended, or they are prohibited from sharing Nintendo-related content in the future. This could result in a loss of income for creators who rely on ad revenue, sponsorships, or other forms of monetization linked to their Nintendo content. It also raises questions about the balance between protecting intellectual property and allowing for creative expression. While Nintendo has every right to protect its IP, the new guidelines could be seen as overly restrictive, particularly in an era where content creation is increasingly collaborative and community-driven.

New Restrictions on Reuploads and Gameplay Footage

The updated guidelines specifically address the issue of reuploading official game trailers, music, and cutscenes. According to Nintendo, these types of content can no longer be shared unless the content creator adds significant input, such as commentary or editing. This means that simply reuploading a trailer or cutscene without any additional content is now prohibited. Nintendo’s rationale for this restriction is likely tied to its desire to maintain control over how its games are presented and to prevent unauthorized distribution of its media. The guidelines also state that gameplay footage that does not include commentary or editing is similarly restricted, except when shared through Nintendo’s official Share button.

For content creators, these new rules present a challenge. Many creators rely on reuploading trailers or sharing raw gameplay footage as a way to engage with their audiences. These types of content are popular because they allow fans to experience new game announcements or gameplay highlights without additional commentary. However, under the new guidelines, creators will need to be more creative in how they present this content. For example, instead of simply reuploading a trailer, a creator might need to provide a reaction video or an in-depth analysis of the trailer to comply with Nintendo’s rules. Similarly, gameplay footage might need to be edited to include commentary or other forms of input to be considered acceptable.

The exception to these rules is content created using Nintendo’s official Share button. This feature allows players to share screenshots or short video clips directly from their Nintendo consoles. Content shared this way is still permissible under the new guidelines, as it is considered to be part of the player’s experience rather than an unauthorized distribution of Nintendo’s media. However, the limitations of the Share button, such as the length of clips and the lack of editing options, mean that it may not be sufficient for all content creators. As a result, creators who wish to share more extensive or polished content will need to find ways to incorporate commentary or editing into their videos to meet Nintendo’s requirements.

The Impact on Content Creators

The new restrictions on reuploads and gameplay footage are likely to have a significant impact on content creators, particularly those who focus on Nintendo games. For many creators, Nintendo-related content is a major source of views and revenue. The new guidelines could lead to a decline in the number of creators producing content related to Nintendo games, as the risk of legal action or blacklisting may outweigh the potential rewards. Additionally, the requirement to add commentary or editing to gameplay footage could be a barrier for creators who lack the resources or skills to produce this type of content.

Content creators who are able to adapt to the new guidelines may find themselves in a stronger position within the community. By creating unique, engaging content that meets Nintendo’s standards, these creators could attract a larger audience and differentiate themselves from others who rely on reuploads or raw gameplay footage. However, this will require a significant investment of time and effort, as well as a willingness to innovate and experiment with new content formats. For example, creators might explore new ways to incorporate commentary, such as live reactions, in-depth analysis, or collaborative discussions with other creators.

Another potential impact of the new guidelines is the loss of revenue for creators who are unable to comply. Many content creators rely on ad revenue, sponsorships, and other forms of monetization to support their channels. If Nintendo blacklists a creator’s content or takes legal action, it could result in the loss of these income streams. Additionally, the new rules may deter brands and advertisers from partnering with creators who focus on Nintendo content, as the risk of non-compliance could make these partnerships less attractive. This could have a ripple effect across the content creation industry, leading to fewer opportunities for creators and a more challenging environment for those who wish to focus on Nintendo games.

Why Nintendo Implemented These Rules

To understand why Nintendo has implemented these new guidelines, it’s important to consider the company’s perspective on protecting its intellectual property. Nintendo has always been protective of its IP, and the new rules are a reflection of this long-standing policy. By restricting the types of content that can be shared, Nintendo is aiming to maintain control over how its games are presented and to prevent unauthorized distribution of its media. This is particularly important in an era where content can be easily shared and reuploaded across multiple platforms, often without the original creator’s consent.

Another factor behind Nintendo’s new guidelines is the company’s concern about unauthorized sharing and its potential impact on the brand’s image. Reuploads of official trailers or gameplay footage without commentary can lead to a fragmented presentation of Nintendo’s games, which may not align with the company’s vision for how its products should be experienced. Additionally, the use of unauthorized methods, such as third-party emulators or cheats, can undermine the integrity of the games and create a negative perception of the brand. By implementing these rules, Nintendo is seeking to protect its reputation and ensure that its games are presented in a way that is consistent with the company’s values.

From a legal and financial perspective, the new guidelines also help Nintendo protect its bottom line. Unauthorized sharing of game media can lead to lost sales, as potential customers may choose to watch gameplay videos or trailers online instead of purchasing the games themselves. By cracking down on reuploads and unauthorized content, Nintendo is attempting to safeguard its revenue streams and ensure that its games remain profitable. The guidelines also provide a legal framework for taking action against creators who violate the rules, which can deter others from engaging in similar behavior. This is particularly important in an industry where copyright infringement and IP theft are ongoing concerns.

Finally, Nintendo’s new guidelines can be seen as part of a broader trend within the gaming industry. Other companies, such as Sony and Microsoft, have also implemented similar rules to protect their IP and regulate content sharing. Nintendo’s guidelines are consistent with these industry standards, and they reflect the growing importance of IP protection in the digital age. As gaming continues to evolve, companies are likely to become even more vigilant in protecting their content, and creators will need to stay informed about the latest rules and regulations to ensure that they are in compliance.

Content Now Considered Inappropriate

In addition to the restrictions on reuploads and gameplay footage, Nintendo’s new guidelines also broaden the definition of what is considered “inappropriate” content. The guidelines specifically mention content that involves unauthorized methods, such as the use of third-party emulator software, cheats, and data mining. These practices have long been a source of controversy in the gaming community, as they can give players an unfair advantage or provide access to game content that was not intended to be seen by the public. By banning this type of content, Nintendo is taking a firm stance against these practices and reinforcing its commitment to maintaining the integrity of its games.

Another type of content that is now considered inappropriate under the new guidelines is content that features malicious acts. This includes making offensive remarks or deliberately sabotaging someone else’s gameplay experience during multiplayer sessions. Nintendo has always promoted a family-friendly image, and the new rules are a reflection of this ethos. By prohibiting content that involves malicious behavior, Nintendo is seeking to create a positive and inclusive environment for all players. This is particularly important in online multiplayer games, where toxic behavior can have a negative impact on the overall experience.

The ban on inappropriate content is likely to have a significant impact on the types of videos and streams that are created within the Nintendo community. Content that involves cheats, emulators, or data mining has been popular among certain segments of the gaming community, particularly those who are interested in uncovering hidden or unused content within games. However, under the new guidelines, creators who engage in these practices risk having their content removed or facing legal action from Nintendo. This could lead to a decrease in the amount of this type of content being produced, as creators seek to avoid the potential consequences of non-compliance.

Similarly, the prohibition on malicious acts in multiplayer games is likely to influence the behavior of players and content creators alike. Content that involves trolling, griefing, or other forms of malicious behavior has been a staple of online gaming for years, but Nintendo’s new rules make it clear that this type of content is no longer acceptable. As a result, creators who engage in or promote this behavior may find themselves facing penalties from Nintendo, including the removal of their content or even a ban from the platform. This could lead to a shift in the culture of online multiplayer gaming, as players and creators alike adjust to the new expectations set by Nintendo.

Community Reaction to the Guidelines

The gaming community’s reaction to Nintendo’s new guidelines has been mixed, with some creators expressing concern about the potential impact on their content, while others have voiced support for the company’s efforts to protect its IP. Among those who are critical of the guidelines, the main concern is that the new rules are too restrictive and could stifle creativity within the community. Creators who rely on reuploads or gameplay footage without commentary may find it difficult to comply with the new guidelines, and the fear of legal action or blacklisting could lead some to stop creating Nintendo-related content altogether.

On the other hand, there are those who believe that Nintendo’s new guidelines are a necessary step to protect the company’s intellectual property and ensure that its games are presented in a way that aligns with its values. Supporters of the guidelines argue that content creators should respect the wishes of the companies whose games they are using and that the new rules are a fair way to maintain control over how Nintendo’s IP is shared online. Additionally, some creators see the new guidelines as an opportunity to innovate and find new ways to create content that complies with Nintendo’s rules while still engaging their audiences.

Industry experts have also weighed in on the new guidelines, with opinions ranging from supportive to critical. Some experts see the guidelines as a natural evolution of Nintendo’s long-standing approach to IP protection, noting that the company has always been protective of its content. Others, however, believe that the guidelines may be too broad and could have unintended consequences for the gaming community. For example, the broad language used in the guidelines could lead to confusion about what is and isn’t allowed, resulting in content being removed or creators being penalized for content that they believed was acceptable.

Despite the mixed reactions, it’s clear that Nintendo’s new guidelines will have a significant impact on the gaming community. Content creators will need to carefully consider how they approach Nintendo-related content, and the broader gaming community will need to adjust to the new expectations set by the company. While the guidelines may be seen as restrictive by some, they also provide an opportunity for creators to explore new ways of engaging with their audiences and creating content that is both innovative and compliant with Nintendo’s rules.

For content creators, understanding the legal implications of Nintendo’s new guidelines is crucial to avoiding potential legal action or blacklisting. The guidelines make it clear that Nintendo is serious about protecting its intellectual property, and creators who violate the rules could face significant consequences. To avoid these risks, creators need to be aware of the legal principles that underpin the guidelines, including copyright law, intellectual property law, and the concept of fair use.

Copyright law is a key consideration for content creators who use Nintendo’s games in their content. Copyright protects the original works of authors, including video games, and gives the copyright holder the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and display the work. This means that creators need permission from Nintendo to use their games in content, unless their use falls under an exception such as fair use. However, fair use is a complex legal doctrine that varies depending on the jurisdiction, and what qualifies as fair use in one case may not qualify in another. As a result, creators need to be cautious when relying on fair use as a defense for using Nintendo’s content.

Intellectual property law is another important area for content creators to understand. In addition to copyright, Nintendo’s games are also protected by trademarks, which cover the company’s logos, character designs, and other distinctive elements of its games. Using these elements in content without permission could be considered trademark infringement, which could lead to legal action from Nintendo. To avoid this, creators should ensure that they are not using Nintendo’s trademarks in a way that could cause confusion about the source of the content or suggest that the content is endorsed by Nintendo.

Finally, creators should be aware of the potential risks associated with non-compliance with Nintendo’s guidelines. The guidelines state that Nintendo reserves the right to take legal action or blacklist creators who violate the rules. This could result in the removal of content, suspension of accounts, or even lawsuits. To protect themselves, creators should carefully review the guidelines and seek legal advice if they are unsure about whether their content complies. Additionally, creators should consider working with platforms that offer legal support or have policies in place to protect creators from potential legal issues.

How to Create Content Within the Guidelines

Creating content that complies with Nintendo’s new guidelines requires a thoughtful approach and a commitment to originality and creativity. The key to success is understanding the rules and finding ways to create content that is both engaging and compliant. Here are some tips for creating content within Nintendo’s guidelines:

1. Incorporate Commentary or Editing: One of the main requirements of the new guidelines is that gameplay footage must include commentary or editing to be considered acceptable. This means that creators should focus on adding their own insights, reactions, or analysis to the content they share. For example, instead of simply uploading a gameplay video, consider adding a voiceover that explains what is happening in the game, provides tips and strategies, or shares your thoughts on the game’s design and mechanics.

2. Use the Share Button for Short Clips: Nintendo’s official Share button is still a permissible way to share content under the new guidelines. This feature allows players to share short video clips or screenshots directly from their Nintendo consoles. While the Share button has limitations, such as the length of clips and the lack of editing options, it can be a useful tool for creators who want to share quick highlights or interesting moments from their gameplay without violating the guidelines.

3. Focus on Original Content: One of the best ways to ensure compliance with Nintendo’s guidelines is to focus on creating original content that doesn’t rely on reuploads or unedited gameplay footage. This could include creating tutorials, walkthroughs, or reviews that offer a unique perspective on Nintendo’s games. By focusing on originality and creativity, creators can avoid the pitfalls of non-compliance and create content that stands out in the crowded gaming landscape.

4. Collaborate with Other Creators: Collaborating with other content creators can be a great way to add value to your content and comply with Nintendo’s guidelines. For example, you could work with another creator to produce a live discussion about a new game, share tips and strategies, or analyze the latest Nintendo Direct presentation. Collaboration not only adds a new dimension to your content but also helps to build a community around your channel.

5. Stay Informed About Updates: Nintendo’s guidelines may continue to evolve, and it’s important for content creators to stay informed about any changes. Following official Nintendo channels, joining content creator communities, and staying up to date with industry news are all good ways to ensure that you are aware of the latest rules and can adapt your content accordingly. By staying informed, you can avoid surprises and ensure that your content remains compliant with Nintendo’s guidelines.

By following these tips and staying within Nintendo’s guidelines, content creators can continue to share their passion for Nintendo games while avoiding the risks of legal action or blacklisting. The key is to be creative, innovative, and respectful of Nintendo’s intellectual property, while also finding ways to engage and entertain your audience.

The Future of Content Creation in Gaming

Nintendo’s new guidelines are likely to have a lasting impact on the gaming community and the future of content creation. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, companies like Nintendo are becoming more proactive in protecting their intellectual property and regulating how their games are shared online. This trend is likely to continue, with other companies following suit and implementing similar guidelines to protect their own IP.

For content creators, this means that the landscape of content creation is changing. While there may be more restrictions on what can be shared, there are also new opportunities to innovate and find creative ways to engage with audiences. The key to success in this new environment is to stay informed, be adaptable, and focus on creating original, high-quality content that complies with the guidelines of the companies whose games you are using. This may require a shift in how content is produced, but it also presents an opportunity to explore new formats, genres, and approaches to content creation.

One potential area of growth is the rise of independent game content creation. As companies like Nintendo implement more restrictive guidelines, content creators may turn to independent games, which often have more lenient policies and offer greater creative freedom. This could lead to a diversification of content, with creators exploring a wider range of games and genres. Additionally, the growth of platforms like Patreon and Kickstarter could provide new avenues for creators to monetize their content, reducing their reliance on ad revenue and sponsorships tied to specific games.

Another trend to watch is the increasing importance of community guidelines in shaping content. As more companies implement content-sharing guidelines, creators will need to navigate a complex web of rules and regulations. This could lead to the development of new tools and resources to help creators stay compliant, such as automated content review systems, legal support services, and educational resources. The gaming community itself may also play a role in shaping these guidelines, as companies seek to balance their need to protect their IP with the desire to foster a vibrant and creative community.

In conclusion, while Nintendo’s new guidelines present challenges for content creators, they also offer an opportunity to rethink how content is created and shared within the gaming community. By staying informed, being creative, and focusing on originality, content creators can continue to thrive in this evolving landscape and build a successful presence in the gaming world.

Alternatives to Creating Nintendo Content

For content creators who find Nintendo’s new guidelines too restrictive, there are several alternatives to consider. One option is to explore content from other game developers with more lenient content-sharing policies. Many independent game developers, for example, have more relaxed guidelines that allow for greater creative freedom. By focusing on indie games, creators can continue to produce content without the fear of legal action or blacklisting.

Another alternative is to diversify your content strategy to include a broader range of games and topics. Instead of focusing solely on Nintendo content, consider exploring games from other major developers or even other types of content, such as technology reviews, tutorials, or commentary on gaming news. This can help reduce your reliance on Nintendo content and create new opportunities for growth and engagement with your audience.

Case studies of creators who have successfully pivoted to new content can provide valuable insights into how to make this transition. For example, some creators have found success by branching out into other areas of gaming, such as VR content, mobile gaming, or esports. Others have diversified their content to include lifestyle vlogs, travel videos, or creative projects unrelated to gaming. By exploring new content areas, you can keep your channel fresh and exciting while reducing the risk of non-compliance with Nintendo’s guidelines.

Finally, it’s important to remember that the future of Nintendo-focused content is not entirely bleak. While the new guidelines are restrictive, there is still room for creativity and innovation within the framework that Nintendo has established. By focusing on original content, collaborating with other creators, and staying informed about the latest updates, you can continue to create engaging and compliant content that resonates with your audience.

Final Thoughts on Nintendo’s Content Guidelines

Nintendo’s revised content guidelines for 2024 mark a significant shift in how the company regulates the sharing of video and images from its games. While these guidelines present challenges for content creators, they also offer an opportunity to innovate and create content that is both engaging and compliant. The key to success lies in understanding the rules, staying informed about updates, and focusing on originality and creativity in your content creation efforts.

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, it’s likely that other companies will implement similar guidelines to protect their intellectual property. Content creators who are able to adapt to these changes and find new ways to engage with their audiences will be well-positioned to succeed in this new environment. Ultimately, the future of content creation in the gaming community will depend on the ability of creators and companies to work together to create a vibrant and creative ecosystem that benefits everyone involved.

For those who are passionate about Nintendo’s games, the new guidelines may require a shift in how content is produced and shared. However, with careful planning and a commitment to compliance, it’s possible to continue creating content that celebrates Nintendo’s rich gaming legacy while also respecting the company’s intellectual property rights. By staying informed, being creative, and focusing on original content, you can continue to thrive as a content creator in this ever-changing landscape.


The revisions to Nintendo’s content-sharing guidelines in 2024 have introduced new challenges for content creators. By understanding and adhering to these guidelines, creators can continue to share their passion for Nintendo’s games while avoiding legal risks. The key is to remain informed, be adaptable, and focus on creating content that is original, engaging, and compliant. As the gaming industry evolves, so too must content creators, ensuring that they can navigate the complex landscape of intellectual property and content creation successfully.

  • Can I still share gameplay videos from Nintendo games?
    • Yes, but only if the gameplay footage includes commentary or editing that adds value to the content. Raw gameplay footage is not allowed unless shared through Nintendo’s official Share button.
  • What happens if I violate Nintendo’s guidelines?
    • Nintendo reserves the right to blacklist your content, remove it from platforms, or take legal action against you. Violations could result in account suspension or other penalties.
  • Are there any exceptions to the new guidelines?
    • The main exception is content shared through Nintendo’s official Share button, which allows for the sharing of short clips and screenshots directly from Nintendo consoles.
  • Why has Nintendo implemented these new guidelines?
    • Nintendo has introduced these guidelines to protect its intellectual property, maintain control over how its games are presented, and prevent unauthorized distribution of its media.
  • How can I ensure that my content complies with Nintendo’s guidelines?
    • Focus on creating original content that includes commentary or editing, use the Share button for short clips, and stay informed about any updates to the guidelines.