The Latest Progress Update on Deltarune Chapter 4 by Toby Fox

The Latest Progress Update on Deltarune Chapter 4 by Toby Fox


In the latest update shared through the Undertale/Deltarune newsletter, Toby Fox, the creator of the beloved games Undertale and Deltarune, provided an extensive overview of the current status of Deltarune Chapter 4. Fox detailed the completion of all maps and the playability of all battles, with only minor improvements needed for a couple of cutscenes and battle visuals. Playtesting has yielded positive feedback, indicating strong progress.

Additionally, Fox highlighted that Chapters 3 & 4 together are longer than Chapters 1 & 2 combined, showcasing the significant content being developed. While the release is still some time away, with Chapter 5 also in early development, the focus remains on delivering a polished and high-quality experience. Fans are encouraged to revisit the earlier chapters while eagerly awaiting the upcoming releases.

Toby Fox’s Recent Update on Deltarune Chapter 4

Deltarune fans have been eagerly awaiting updates on the progress of the game’s next chapters. Recently, Toby Fox, the mastermind behind both Undertale and Deltarune, shared significant news through the Undertale/Deltarune newsletter. This update provides insights into the development of Deltarune Chapter 4, shedding light on the current status, challenges, and future plans. In this comprehensive overview, we delve into the details of Fox’s update, examining the progress made and what lies ahead for this highly anticipated game.

Toby Fox’s latest update reveals substantial progress on Deltarune Chapter 4. As of July 23, 2024, Fox reported that all the maps for Chapter 4 are completed and all battles are playable. This milestone signifies a major step forward in the game’s development. However, despite these achievements, there are still several tasks that need to be addressed before the chapter is fully polished and ready for release. This section will explore the detailed breakdown of the development stages and the specific areas that require further work.

Map Completion

The completion of all maps in Chapter 4 is a significant accomplishment. Maps are the backbone of the game’s world, providing the environment in which players explore, interact, and engage in battles. Fox’s update indicates that this foundational element is fully developed, setting the stage for the remaining components to be refined and perfected.

Playable Battles

Another major highlight from Fox’s update is that all battles in Chapter 4 are now playable. Battles are a core aspect of Deltarune’s gameplay, requiring intricate design and balancing to ensure a challenging yet enjoyable experience for players. With all battles now in a playable state, the development team can focus on fine-tuning and enhancing the battle mechanics, visuals, and overall experience.

Cutscene Improvements

Cutscenes play a crucial role in advancing the narrative and providing context to the gameplay. Fox mentioned that only two cutscenes need small improvements. This indicates that the story elements are nearly complete, with just minor tweaks required to enhance the storytelling and visual presentation. These final touches will ensure that the cutscenes are engaging and seamlessly integrated into the game.

While the battles are playable, Fox noted that one battle needs to be balanced and the visuals need to be completed. Balancing battles is essential to maintain fairness and challenge, ensuring that players of all skill levels can enjoy the game. Completing the visual elements will also enhance the overall aesthetic and immersion, making the battles more dynamic and visually appealing.

Playtesting Feedback

Playtesting is a critical phase in game development, providing valuable feedback from players who experience the game before its official release. Fox shared that three of his friends played through the entirety of the unfinished Chapter 4, and all of them enjoyed it without major criticisms. This positive feedback is encouraging, indicating that the core gameplay and narrative elements are resonating well with players. However, one humorous piece of feedback suggested naming all the chairs in the game, a reference to a named chair called Chairiel. While this idea may not be implemented, it highlights the creative and playful spirit that Fox brings to his games.

Comparison of Chapters 3 & 4 to Previous Chapters

One of the most intriguing points from Fox’s update is the comparison of Chapters 3 & 4 to the previous chapters. Fox mentioned that Chapter 3 & 4 together are longer than Chapters 1 & 2 combined. This substantial increase in content reflects the extensive effort and dedication being poured into the development of these chapters. Fans can look forward to a richer and more immersive experience as they delve into the new content.

Development Insights for Chapter 5

In addition to the progress on Chapter 4, Fox provided insights into the early development of Chapter 5. Initial development steps include creating draft maps and working on bullet patterns. These foundational tasks are crucial for laying the groundwork for the chapter’s gameplay and design. Although most of the team is focused on completing Chapter 4, a few members have started this preliminary work to ensure a smoother transition once Chapter 4 is finalized.

Team’s Focus and Division of Labor

Fox explained that the team has divided their efforts between Chapters 3 & 4 and Chapter 5. This strategic division allows for continuous progress on multiple fronts. While the majority of the team concentrates on polishing and finalizing Chapter 4, others are making headway on the initial development of Chapter 5. This approach ensures that the overall project remains on track and that each chapter receives the attention it needs.

Anticipated Release Timeline

Despite the significant progress made, Fox emphasized that the release of Chapters 3 & 4 is still far away. He explained that creating the chapters is only the first step, and releasing them involves additional complexities. The goal of a simultaneous console and PC release in both English and Japanese adds to the timeline. This meticulous approach is aimed at delivering a high-quality, polished product that meets the expectations of the fans.

Fox’s ambition for a simultaneous release across multiple platforms and languages underscores the team’s commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. Achieving this goal requires extensive coordination and testing to ensure a seamless experience for players, regardless of their platform or language preference. This effort reflects Fox’s dedication to providing a cohesive and enjoyable experience for the global Deltarune community.

Remaining Tasks Before Release

Before Chapters 3 & 4 can be released, several tasks remain. Quality assurance (QA) and polishing are critical to ensuring that the game meets high standards of performance and enjoyment. This phase involves rigorous testing to identify and fix bugs, optimize performance, and refine gameplay mechanics. Polishing the game also includes enhancing visual and audio elements to create a more immersive and engaging experience.

Localization is another significant task that must be completed before release. Translating the game’s text and ensuring cultural relevance for different regions requires careful attention to detail. Fox’s goal of releasing the chapters in both English and Japanese necessitates thorough translation and localization efforts. This process involves not only translating dialogue but also adjusting cultural references and ensuring that the game resonates with a diverse audience.

Community Anticipation and Engagement

As fans await the release of the new chapters, revisiting Deltarune Chapters 1 & 2 provides an opportunity to reconnect with the game’s world and characters. These earlier chapters, available for free on the Nintendo Switch eShop, offer a chance to refresh one’s memory and build anticipation for the upcoming content. Engaging with the existing chapters also allows players to uncover new details and deepen their understanding of the game’s narrative.

Expectations for New Content

The anticipation for Deltarune Chapters 3 & 4 is palpable among fans. The extensive content and new gameplay elements promised by Fox have set high expectations. Fans are eager to explore the new chapters, experience the expanded story, and engage with the intricate battles and puzzles that Deltarune is known for. Fox’s dedication to delivering a polished and immersive experience ensures that the wait will be worthwhile, as players can expect a game that meets and exceeds their expectations.


The journey of developing Deltarune Chapter 4, as shared by Toby Fox, highlights the meticulous effort and passion poured into creating this highly anticipated game. With significant progress made and key milestones achieved, the upcoming chapters promise to deliver an enriching and immersive experience for fans. The commitment to quality, the goal of a simultaneous release, and the early development of Chapter 5 all point to an exciting future for Deltarune. As we await the release, revisiting previous chapters and staying engaged with the community keeps the excitement alive. The dedication of Fox and his team ensures that when the new chapters finally arrive, they will be well worth the wait.

  • What is the current status of Deltarune Chapter 4?
    • Toby Fox has reported that all maps are completed, all battles are playable, and only minor improvements are needed for cutscenes and battle visuals.
  • How does Chapter 4 compare to previous chapters?
    • Chapters 3 & 4 together are longer than Chapters 1 & 2 combined, offering a significantly expanded experience.
  • When will Deltarune Chapter 4 be released?
    • Despite the progress, the release is still far away due to additional tasks such as quality assurance, polishing, and localization.
  • Is Chapter 5 in development?
    • Yes, initial development steps for Chapter 5 have begun, with some team members focusing on draft maps and bullet patterns.
  • What can fans do while waiting for the new chapters?
    • Fans are encouraged to revisit Deltarune Chapters 1 & 2, which are available for free on the Nintendo Switch eShop.