Ember Knights Skills Mastery Update: Full Patch Notes and Highlights

Ember Knights Skills Mastery Update: Full Patch Notes and Highlights


The latest update for Ember Knights, dubbed the Skills Mastery update, introduces significant enhancements and new features to the game, especially for the Switch version. This update focuses on providing players with new ways to upgrade their skills, offering three specific upgrades and one ultimate upgrade for each skill. Additionally, it includes a variety of general upgrades applicable to all skills, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

A major highlight of this update is the introduction of the PAX Competition Mode, accessible via the Main Menu, adding a competitive edge to the game. Alongside these features, the update brings several balancing adjustments and minor improvements to ensure a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience. The patch notes detail new relics, reworked versions of existing relics, and a comprehensive list of bug fixes addressing various issues from gameplay stability to visual glitches.

These fixes aim to improve the game’s performance and provide a more seamless experience for players. This update also includes new achievements related to skill upgrading, offering players goals to strive for as they master the new content. Community feedback has played a crucial role in shaping these updates, and future updates promise to bring even more enhancements based on player input.

Ember Knights Skills Mastery Update

The Ember Knights Skills Mastery update brings a wealth of new features and improvements to the game, particularly focusing on skill enhancements and a new competitive mode. This update is tailored for the Switch version of Ember Knights, ensuring that players have a fresh and engaging experience with the game. The following sections will dive into the specific changes and additions introduced in this update.

Skill Upgrades: Enhancing Your Abilities

The Skills Mastery update introduces a variety of general upgrades that can be applied to any skill. These upgrades are designed to enhance the overall effectiveness of the skills, making gameplay more dynamic and enjoyable. Here are the general upgrades available:

  • Upgrade 1: Increases crit chance.
  • Upgrade 2: Increases damage.
  • Upgrade 3: Adds 1 additional charge.
  • Upgrade 4: Defeating an enemy with a skill heals.
  • Upgrade 5: Reduces the number of hits to refresh.

These upgrades provide a solid foundation for players to build upon as they progress through the game, allowing for a more tailored and powerful skill set.

Specific Upgrades and Ultimate Upgrades

Each skill in Ember Knights now has three specific upgrades and one ultimate upgrade. These upgrades are designed to significantly enhance the functionality and effectiveness of each skill. Below are examples of the specific and ultimate upgrades for a few skills:

Ember Fire

  • Upgrade I: Increases the range.
  • Upgrade II: Bursts an additional cone of mystical flame behind the Knight.
  • Upgrade III: Shoots 3 fireballs in a spread shot.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Whenever you burn an enemy with Ember Fire, your burn effects deal increased damage.

Blast Bomb

  • Upgrade I: Enemies hit by your Blast Bomb are rooted.
  • Upgrade II: Your bombs pull enemies towards them before exploding.
  • Upgrade III: Throws 3 bombs in a row.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Bombs explode into 3 smaller cluster bombs.

These upgrades allow players to customize their skills to fit their playstyle, making each playthrough unique and exciting.

New Feature: PAX Competition Mode

The update introduces the PAX Competition Mode, a new and thrilling game mode accessible via the Main Menu. This mode offers a competitive environment where players can test their skills against each other in various challenges. The mode is designed to provide a fun and engaging experience, encouraging players to hone their abilities and compete for top rankings.

Detailed Patch Notes

The Skills Mastery update brings a host of new content and features to Ember Knights. Alongside the skill upgrades and PAX Competition Mode, the update includes various enhancements to the game’s mechanics and visuals. Players will notice increased presence of skill rooms in all map layouts, providing more opportunities to utilize and upgrade their skills.

Balancing Changes

In addition to new content, the update implements several balancing changes to ensure fair and enjoyable gameplay. Skills like Eruption, now renamed to Seek and Destroy, have been adjusted to improve their effectiveness and utility. These changes are aimed at creating a more balanced and engaging game environment.

Minor Adjustments

Minor adjustments have also been made to various aspects of the game, including the frequency of legendary relics appearing and the ability to upgrade certain relics. These tweaks help to refine the gameplay experience, making it smoother and more enjoyable for players.

New Relics and Reworks

The update introduces new relics to Ember Knights, adding more variety and depth to the game. One such relic is the Pyroguard, which reduces the damage dealt by enemies that are burned. This epic rarity relic offers a 20% damage reduction, providing significant benefits in combat.

Reworked Existing Relics

Several existing relics have been reworked to improve their functionality and balance. For example, the Empowered Bangle now increases the damage of the first skill hit on an enemy, while the Withercore heals players when they defeat a poisoned enemy. These changes enhance the strategic options available to players, allowing for more diverse and effective playstyles.

Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

The Skills Mastery update addresses numerous bugs that have been affecting gameplay. Major fixes include resolving issues that prevented weapon challenges from being completed if a player was dead when a boss was defeated, and fixing crashes related to multiplayer connectivity. These fixes are crucial for maintaining a stable and enjoyable gaming experience.

Minor Bug Fixes

In addition to major bug fixes, the update also addresses a variety of minor issues, such as visual glitches and minor gameplay inconsistencies. These fixes help to polish the game, ensuring a smoother and more visually appealing experience for players.

Achievements and Progress Tracking

The update introduces new achievements related to skill upgrading, offering players new goals to strive for. Achievements such as Apprentice, Shaman, and Wizard recognize players’ progress in unlocking and mastering skill upgrades. These achievements add an extra layer of motivation and satisfaction as players work to complete their skill sets.

Community Feedback and Future Updates

Community feedback has been instrumental in shaping the Skills Mastery update. The developers have listened to player input and made numerous adjustments based on community suggestions. Future updates promise to continue this trend, bringing further enhancements and new content based on player feedback.


The Ember Knights Skills Mastery update is a significant enhancement to the game, introducing new skill upgrades, a competitive PAX Competition Mode, and various gameplay improvements. The detailed patch notes highlight the numerous changes and additions, ensuring that players have a clear understanding of what to expect. With new relics, reworked items, and comprehensive bug fixes, this update provides a richer and more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

  • What are the main highlights of the Ember Knights Skills Mastery update?
    • The main highlights include new skill upgrades, the introduction of the PAX Competition Mode, and various balancing changes and bug fixes to enhance gameplay.
  • How do I access the PAX Competition Mode in Ember Knights?
    • The PAX Competition Mode can be accessed via the Main Menu. This mode offers a competitive environment where players can test their skills against each other in various challenges, providing a fun and engaging experience.
  • What new relics have been introduced in the update?
    • The update introduces several new relics, including the Pyroguard, which reduces the damage dealt by enemies that are burned. This relic, along with others, adds more variety and depth to the game, enhancing strategic gameplay options.
  • What are some of the reworked relics in Ember Knights?
    • Existing relics have been reworked to improve their functionality and balance. For example, the Empowered Bangle now increases the damage of the first skill hit on an enemy, and the Withercore heals players when they defeat a poisoned enemy. These changes provide more diverse and effective playstyles. 
  • What bug fixes are included in the Skills Mastery update?
    • The update addresses numerous bugs, including major fixes that resolve issues with weapon challenges, multiplayer connectivity, and visual glitches. These fixes ensure a more stable and enjoyable gaming experience.
  • How has community feedback influenced the Skills Mastery update?
    • Community feedback has played a crucial role in shaping the Skills Mastery update. The developers have made numerous adjustments based on player input, and future updates will continue to incorporate community suggestions to bring further enhancements and new content.