German USK – Nintendo Laboratory accidentally mistaken as old paper

German USK – Nintendo Laboratory accidentally mistaken as old paper

Not everyone recognizes Nintendo’s new cardboard toys at first sight. Nintendo recently unveiled the latest project Labo for the Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo Labo uses cardboard accessories for a new motion based gaming experience. Although the cartons are intended for children, introducing them led to different reactions on the Internet. 

Perhaps also because the price is given on both kits.

Classification Germany

The German USK, which deals with the classification of games in Germany, has the Nintendo Lab package received early in order to advance to watch.

But on Twitter, the USK reports that the cleaners had put the cardboard Nintendo Labo boxes with the old paper, thinking it was rubbish. Eventually the situation was resolved, but it’s still a very notable mistake.

Nintendo Labo is scheduled to release on April 27 for Nintendo Switch

It is also certainly tremendously honest of the USK to indicate this. But it gives an image of concern about Nintendo Labo. Although we at NintendoReporters cheer innovation we do not know whether this was the best moment for Nintendo Labo in general.

But that’s the beauty also as it has always been with Nintendo, they dare to take risks and just come up with stuff that the rest say … what the f …  just takea look back to the Virtual Boy or Wii. Sure Virtual Boy was not a hit but just how far was Nintendo ahead of it’s time?