Phil Spencer is OK with letting Banjo and Kazooie appear in Super Smash Bros

Phil Spencer is OK with letting Banjo and Kazooie appear in Super Smash Bros

Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox, has said on Twitter that he’s still absolutely fine about having Banjo and Kazooie possibly appear in Super Smash Bros on the Nintendo Switch.

Yeah our mind was a bit blown as well.

Banjo & Kazooie coming to Sma5h?

Spencer was asked by a fan whether there’s a chance he’s still willing for the duo to appear in the next instalment of Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo Switch. In which he quite epically replied… with “Yep”.

What doors does that open for the oh so adored duo Banjo Kazooie?
We would LOVE a Rare Replays for Nintendo Switch … but that is probably still miles and miles in the realm of “Nope”.

What do you guys think, will it happen, will Nintendo be on this like … yes please???