Potion Permit – Launch trailer

Potion Permit – Launch trailer

A launch trailer for Potion Permit has been made by PQube and MassHive Media. Moonbury has always been wary of changes in the outside world. Instead, they have always relied on traditional ways to heal. When the mayor’s daughter gets sick and the local witch doctor can’t help, they are forced to look for help outside of their small town.


About Potion Permit

The Medical Association decides to send their best chemist – you – to Moonbury to help heal the mayor’s daughter and show the people there how great modern alchemy is. In this open-ended sim RPG, you have to earn their trust and take care of each person when they get sick.


  • Look after the residents. About 30 different people live in Moonbury. Sometimes they get sick and need your help. Residents who are sick will have their plans changed while they rest in bed.
  • Figure out what’s wrong and find a cure! Hmm, a slow heartbeat and a liver that is swollen. Could it be shoulder cramps? No, these are all sure signs of lungs that are burning. Too much gelatin has been eaten by this person. You just need to make some “Minty Goblet” to fix it.
  • Find the things you need in the world. Once you’ve decided on a potion, ointment, or salve, use your tools to gather ingredients from the area. You can add new swings and attacks to your hammer, axe, and sickle by upgrading them. This will help you with your daily tasks. Watch out for weather that keeps changing! You could get caught out in the rain, a blizzard, or even a desert where it’s very hot.
  • Fight bad monsters to get their stuff. Sometimes, you won’t be able to get the materials you need as easily as picking berries from a bush. In those cases, you’ll have to turn your tools into weapons and steal them from monsters roaming the nearby wilderness. Combat happens in real time, and since you’re a chemist, you’ll be able to make potions that help you or hurt your enemies, as well as other tools to help you.
  • Use your cauldron to make medicines. You can mix the things you find in your cauldron to make medicine, vitamins, and other things. As you gain more experience, you’ll be able to use higher-level recipes, which require more ingredients but have stronger effects. Upgrade your cauldron so you can mix together more ingredients for these more advanced cures.
  • Get to know the people in the town. It will take some time, but your work will make a big difference in the health of your patients. You’ll get more respect from them, and they’ll talk to you a little more. You might even find that you get close to some bachelors or bachelorettes more than others. Improve the town and the area around it. Building relationships with people in the town raises your approval rating, which lets you improve public buildings and make more of the area around the town explorable. You can also make and buy new furniture to add a personal touch to your home.
  • Take pleasure in the quiet and peace of the country. When you’re not helping people feel better, you’ll be free to look around Moonbury and its surroundings. Learn more about the people who live there, take a break at the tavern, or go fishing to catch dinner. Moonbury is a charming place where time seems to move a little slower and life is a little less hectic than in the big city. Even though the lighting changes throughout the day, with the bright sun streaking across the meadows in the morning and street lamps lighting up the town in the early evening, there are no time limits for game goals. You can go at your own speed and take your time.
  • Spend time with a reliable friend. You didn’t move to Moonbury by yourself. Your dog is a loyal friend who will always be by your side. Your pet can help you find things that are hidden and show you where people are going about their day.