The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Behind the Name Change

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Behind the Name Change


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has captured the attention of players and fans alike, with its evocative title and intricate storyline. However, the game’s name wasn’t always set in stone. Originally slated to be called Tears of the Dragon, the final title evolved through a careful process, led by series producer Eiji Aonuma and his team. In this content, we delve into the creative journey behind this name change and what it signifies about the deeper narrative elements in the game.

By shifting the title from “Dragon” to “Kingdom,” the focus moved from a creature-based theme to one that encapsulates the broader, kingdom-wide narrative that defines the game’s world and story. We explore Aonuma’s reasoning, insights shared through an art book, and how these decisions reflect the game’s development process. Through this lens, we gain a clearer understanding of how names in games, particularly in the Zelda series, carry significant narrative weight, often reflecting key thematic elements central to the player’s experience.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Naming Origin

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom stands as one of the most iconic releases in recent gaming history. The game, which follows in the footsteps of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, quickly gained attention for its vast open-world design, innovative gameplay mechanics, and deeply engaging story. As with any highly anticipated title, much attention was given not only to its gameplay elements but also to its title. Originally, the game was intended to carry a different name, Tears of the Dragon, before this was ultimately changed to Tears of the Kingdom. This content explores the reasoning behind this shift and the key figures who shaped this decision. By examining the thought process behind this change, we gain a better understanding of the importance of storytelling in the Zelda series and how it influences everything from gameplay to the title itself.

Eiji Aonuma’s Role in the Zelda Series Development

Eiji Aonuma, the longtime producer of the Zelda series, has been instrumental in shaping the direction of the franchise for decades. With a keen focus on balancing gameplay with story-driven experiences, Aonuma has earned a reputation for bringing innovation to the series. His approach is deeply rooted in tradition, but he is not afraid to take risks and push the boundaries of what the Zelda games can be. Under Aonuma’s guidance, the Zelda series has evolved from a straightforward adventure game to a complex, narrative-rich experience. This approach was no different with Tears of the Kingdom, where Aonuma and his team carefully considered the game’s story, themes, and how these elements would resonate with players.

The Vision Behind the Breath of the Wild Sequel

When it was announced that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild would receive a direct sequel, excitement soared. Breath of the Wild had already redefined what a Zelda game could be, offering an open-world format that encouraged exploration and creativity. For the sequel, Aonuma and his team knew they had to build on this foundation while adding new dimensions to the game. The vision was to create a world that felt familiar yet expanded upon the narrative and gameplay concepts introduced in Breath of the Wild. This vision played a crucial role in shaping the game’s development, from the design of the world to the selection of its title.

The Early Stages of Naming the Zelda Sequel

Early in the development of the Breath of the Wild sequel, the game’s working title was Tears of the Dragon. This name held significant meaning and was tied to several key themes that the developers wanted to explore. Dragons have long been a symbol in many mythologies, often representing power, wisdom, and the cycle of life and death. In the context of the Zelda series, dragons have appeared in various forms, often as ancient beings that play a critical role in the game’s world-building. The name Tears of the Dragon was meant to evoke these associations and reflect some of the deeper narrative elements planned for the game.

The Influence of “Tears of the Dragon” in Development

As development progressed, the idea of focusing on dragons became more central to the storyline. The game was initially planned to include more dragon-related content, both in terms of gameplay and story. The concept of “tears” in the title was intended to symbolize loss, grief, or the passage of time – all themes that have been explored in the Zelda series to varying degrees. However, as the story evolved, the developers began to realize that focusing too heavily on dragons might limit the scope of the game’s world and narrative. A broader, more encompassing title was needed to reflect the game’s expansive vision.

Why the Dragon Theme Was Considered

The decision to consider dragons as a central theme in the game’s title wasn’t arbitrary. Dragons have held a special place in the Zelda series, from key bosses to legendary figures that inhabit Hyrule’s lore. The developers were drawn to the idea of using a dragon’s tears as a metaphor for something larger, something that could connect players emotionally to the world of Hyrule. However, as the development process continued, it became clear that dragons, while important, weren’t going to be the defining feature of the sequel. The game’s narrative was taking a different direction, and the title needed to reflect that shift.

The Shift Toward Storytelling in the Zelda Series

One of the most significant changes in the Zelda series over the years has been its increasing focus on storytelling. While earlier titles in the series were known for their gameplay innovation and world-building, more recent entries have placed greater emphasis on character development, emotional depth, and intricate narratives. This shift is particularly evident in Breath of the Wild and its sequel, where the story is interwoven with gameplay in a way that feels organic and impactful. In many ways, the decision to change the title from Tears of the Dragon to Tears of the Kingdom reflects this growing emphasis on story over spectacle.

How Story Elements Shaped the Title Decision

As the team continued to refine the game’s story, it became clear that the original title, while evocative, didn’t fully capture the game’s narrative breadth. The story was evolving into something larger than just a focus on dragons. The developers wanted a title that would encompass the entire kingdom of Hyrule, its history, and the challenges that would be faced by the player. The shift toward a broader, more kingdom-centric narrative led to the decision to change the title to Tears of the Kingdom. This new title better reflected the game’s story focus, offering players a glimpse into the trials and tribulations of the world they were about to explore.

The Importance of the Kingdom Concept in the Title

The word Kingdom in the title plays a crucial role in setting the tone for the game. While dragons are powerful, the idea of a kingdom under threat carries a more universal appeal. It speaks to the themes of unity, leadership, and the responsibilities that come with protecting a realm. In this case, the tears represent the struggles of the kingdom itself, the sacrifices made by its people, and the emotional weight that the player will carry throughout the game. The decision to focus on the kingdom rather than dragons allowed for a richer, more complex narrative that resonated with the overall vision of the Zelda series.


The evolution of the title from *Tears of the Dragon* to *Tears of the Kingdom* is more than a mere change in nomenclature; it signifies a profound shift in the narrative and thematic focus of the game. Under the visionary leadership of Eiji Aonuma, the development team recognized the need to encapsulate a broader, more intricate story that extends beyond the symbolism of dragons to encompass the entire realm of Hyrule. This decision underscores the Zelda series’ commitment to deepening its storytelling, ensuring that each title not only offers innovative gameplay but also delivers a rich, emotionally resonant experience for players.

By prioritizing the concept of a kingdom, the title *Tears of the Kingdom* effectively conveys the vastness of the challenges and the collective struggles faced by the inhabitants of Hyrule. It reflects a narrative that is expansive and inclusive, allowing for a more comprehensive exploration of themes such as unity, leadership, and sacrifice. This shift also highlights the importance of adaptive storytelling in game development, where titles are carefully chosen to mirror the evolving vision and direction of the game’s narrative.

Ultimately, the name change from *Tears of the Dragon* to *Tears of the Kingdom* not only aligns with the game’s enhanced focus on storytelling but also reinforces the enduring legacy of the Zelda series. It demonstrates how thoughtful title selection can significantly influence player expectations and enrich the overall gaming experience. As *Tears of the Kingdom* continues to captivate audiences, it stands as a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship and narrative depth that define the Legend of Zelda franchise.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why was the original title Tears of the Dragon changed to Tears of the Kingdom?
    • The change was made to reflect a broader narrative focus. While the original title centered on dragons, the final title encompasses the kingdom-wide themes of unity, sacrifice, and leadership, which are central to the game’s story.
  • Who made the decision to change the title?
    • Eiji Aonuma and his development team made the decision after realizing that the narrative needed to focus more on the struggles of the kingdom rather than just the dragons.
  • What role do dragons play in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
    • Dragons still have a presence in the game, but their role is more symbolic rather than central to the overall storyline. The focus is on the kingdom and its challenges.
  • Is there an art book available for Tears of the Kingdom?
    • Yes, an art book has been released, offering insights into the game’s development and design. It includes details about the title change and other behind-the-scenes information.
  • How does Tears of the Kingdom build on Breath of the Wild?
    • Tears of the Kingdom builds on the open-world mechanics of Breath of the Wild, while expanding the story, world-building, and emotional depth, offering a richer experience for players.