Unveiling the Mystery: Nintendo’s SPRed and SilverStar Projects

Unveiling the Mystery: Nintendo’s SPRed and SilverStar Projects


We delve into the recent leaks from the well-known leaker Midori, who has a track record of accurate SEGA-related information. Midori has revealed two new projects at Nintendo, codenamed SPRed and SilverStar. The SPRed project is speculated to be a new Mario game, following Nintendo’s tradition of using Red in the codenames for mainline Mario titles.

Meanwhile, the SilverStar project, possibly related to Super Mario Odyssey, has an uncertain status. This content explores the implications of these leaks for the gaming community, the potential impact on Nintendo’s upcoming hardware and software releases, and the broader context of Nintendo’s strategy with codenames. By analyzing Midori’s credibility and the community’s reaction, we provide a comprehensive view of what these projects could mean for the future of Nintendo gaming.

Nintendo’s SPRed and SilverStar Projects

Midori is a well-known figure in the gaming community, particularly renowned for leaking information related to SEGA. Their track record includes several accurate leaks, which has earned them credibility among gamers and industry watchers. Recently, Midori has turned their attention to Nintendo, revealing information about two new projects with the codenames SPRed and SilverStar.

Historical Accuracy of Midori’s Leaks

Over the years, Midori has built a reputation for providing reliable information ahead of official announcements. Notable leaks include early details about SEGA’s major releases and hardware updates. This history of accurate information lends weight to their recent claims about Nintendo’s new projects, making it a topic of significant interest and speculation in the gaming community.

The SPRed Project

The SPRed project, as leaked by Midori, is believed to be a new endeavor by Nintendo. While specific details are scarce, the codename itself has sparked considerable speculation. Historically, Nintendo has used the term Red in codenames for mainline Mario games, suggesting that SPRed could be the codename for an upcoming Mario title. This possibility has excited fans, who are eager for new adventures featuring the iconic character.

Speculations About the New Mario Game

Given the codename SPRed, many speculate that this project could be the next major entry in the Super Mario series. Nintendo has a pattern of using color-related codenames for Mario games, such as RedStar for Super Mario Odyssey. If SPRed follows this tradition, it could indicate a significant new release, potentially leveraging the capabilities of Nintendo’s next-generation hardware.

Nintendo’s Codename History

Nintendo has a well-documented history of using codenames for their projects. These codenames often hint at the nature or theme of the game or hardware in development. For example, Project Café was the codename for the Wii U, and NX was used for the Nintendo Switch. The use of Red in SPRed aligns with this tradition, further supporting the theory that it is related to a Mario game.

Implications for the Switch Successor

The timing of the SPRed leak coincides with increasing rumors about a successor to the Nintendo Switch. If SPRed is indeed a new Mario game, it could be a launch title for the next console, showcasing its capabilities and driving initial sales. This would be a strategic move by Nintendo, as Mario games have historically been system-sellers, attracting a broad audience and generating significant interest.

The SilverStar Project

The SilverStar project, also mentioned by Midori, remains shrouded in more mystery than SPRed. According to the leaker, the status of SilverStar is currently unknown. This has led to various interpretations, with some suggesting that it might have been shelved or significantly altered during development. The lack of concrete information has only fueled further speculation.

Connection to Super Mario Odyssey

Midori speculates that SilverStar might have been related to Super Mario Odyssey, which had the codename RedStar. If SilverStar was indeed connected to Odyssey, it raises questions about what the project entailed and why its status is now unknown. It could have been an expansion, a sequel, or even a different game entirely that drew from Odyssey’s concepts and mechanics.

Current Status and Speculations

With the status of SilverStar being unknown, fans and analysts have been left to speculate about its fate. Some believe it could resurface in a different form, possibly adapted to align with Nintendo’s evolving strategy for the Switch successor. Others think it might have been canceled, with elements potentially being integrated into other projects. The uncertainty surrounding SilverStar adds an intriguing layer to the current discussions about Nintendo’s future plans.

Analyzing Midori’s Credibility

Midori’s past leaks have generally been accurate, which is why their latest information about SPRed and SilverStar is taken seriously. Previous leaks included early details about SEGA games and hardware updates, many of which were later confirmed. This track record suggests that Midori has reliable sources within the gaming industry, adding credibility to their current claims about Nintendo’s projects.

Community Trust in Midori

The gaming community largely trusts Midori due to their history of accurate leaks. When Midori shares new information, it quickly gains traction and sparks discussions across forums and social media platforms. This trust amplifies the impact of their leaks, making the details about SPRed and SilverStar a hot topic among Nintendo fans and industry watchers.

Impact on the Gaming Community

The revelation of the SPRed project has generated significant excitement within the gaming community. Fans are eager to see what a new Mario game could bring, especially if it takes advantage of the rumored next-generation hardware from Nintendo. The anticipation is palpable, with many discussing potential gameplay mechanics, storylines, and features that SPRed might introduce.

Concerns About the SilverStar Project

While SPRed has sparked excitement, the unknown status of SilverStar has caused some concern. Fans who were hoping for a new project related to Super Mario Odyssey are particularly interested in what might have happened to SilverStar. The lack of information leads to a range of emotions, from hope that it will resurface to disappointment that it might never see the light of day.

Future of Nintendo Gaming

Based on the leaks, predictions for upcoming Nintendo releases include not only a potential new Mario game but also other titles that might be in development for the next console. The gaming community is speculating about what features and innovations Nintendo might introduce, building on the success of the Switch with enhanced capabilities and new gaming experiences.

Nintendo’s Strategy with Codenames

Nintendo’s use of codenames is a strategic way to manage internal projects and maintain secrecy until they are ready for official announcements. These codenames often provide subtle hints about the nature of the project, allowing the company to control the narrative and build anticipation. Understanding this strategy helps in interpreting leaks and speculating about future releases.

Potential Features of the Switch Successor

The next-generation console from Nintendo, speculated to be in development, could bring several new features and improvements. Potential features include enhanced graphics, increased processing power, improved Joy-Con controllers, and backward compatibility with Switch games. These enhancements would position Nintendo strongly in the competitive gaming market, continuing their legacy of innovation and entertainment.


The leaks from Midori about Nintendo’s SPRed and SilverStar projects have sparked considerable interest and speculation within the gaming community. With a history of accurate leaks, Midori’s latest revelations are taken seriously, adding to the anticipation for Nintendo’s future releases. Whether SPRed is a new Mario game and what the future holds for SilverStar remain topics of keen interest. As we await official announcements, the discussion around these projects highlights the excitement and passion that Nintendo’s games continue to inspire among fans.

  • 1. Who is Midori and why are their leaks significant?
    • Midori is a well-known leaker in the gaming community, particularly for accurate SEGA-related leaks. Their information is taken seriously due to a proven track record of reliability.
  • 2. What is the SPRed project?
    • SPRed is a codename for a new project at Nintendo, speculated to be a new Mario game. The use of Red in the codename aligns with Nintendo’s tradition of using color-related codenames for Mario titles.
  • 3. What do we know about the SilverStar project?
    • The SilverStar project is another Nintendo project mentioned by Midori. Its current status is unknown, leading to various speculations about its nature and development.
  • 4. How do these leaks impact the gaming community?
    • The leaks have generated excitement and speculation among Nintendo fans, eager to see new games and potential hardware updates. They also spark discussions about Nintendo’s future strategies and releases.
  • 5. What can we expect from Nintendo’s next-generation console?
    • Based on speculation, the next-generation console could feature enhanced graphics, improved processing power, better Joy-Con controllers, and backward compatibility with Switch games.