All Nintendo items with the tag "experiences"

Mamorukun Curse and Under Defeat: Enhanced Experiences

Mamorukun Curse and Under Defeat: Enhanced Experiences

City Connection and G.rev have joined forces to bring Mamorukun Curse and Under Defeat to the Nintendo Switch, enriching the gaming experience with revamped gameplay and additional content. Mamorukun Curse, set for release in 2025,...
Tue 09-04-2024 12:22 | Nintendo Switch News
Reggie; Wonderful single player experiences

Reggie; Wonderful single player experiences

Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime talked to IGN at E3 2018 about single-player experiences for the Nintendo Switch. There were a lot of multiplayer experiences at E3 this year, but not many single-player ones....
Wed 27-06-2018 12:45 | Nintendo Switch News