All Nintendo items with the tag "Unity"

Unity supports Nintendo Labo VR Kit Toy-Con Goggles

Unity supports Nintendo Labo VR Kit Toy-Con Goggles

Unity, a game engine used by many developers for Nintendo Switch, is now compatible with the Nintendo Labo VR Kit’s Toy-Con Goggles. Toy-Con Goggles Compatibility with the Toy-Con Goggles mean that independent developers and third...
Fri 31-05-2019 10:12 | Nintendo Switch News
BOXBOY + BOXGIRL – Developed with Unity

BOXBOY + BOXGIRL – Developed with Unity

On the copyright screen of the game, it’s been discovered that BOXBOY + BOXGIRL was developed with the game engine Unity. This is probably one of the few first party Nintendo Switch games to make...
Mon 06-05-2019 12:24 | Nintendo Switch News
Record videos now also for games made with Unity

Record videos now also for games made with Unity

From the 4.0 update of the Nintendo Switch it is possible to record videos from the last 30 seconds. Not all games support this function though. The game engine Unity now supports it! Recording video...
Sat 21-04-2018 21:10 | Nintendo Switch News